Partners & Sponsorships

Major Partners

DCA partners with key members to demonstrate leadership in diversity and further the diversity agenda in the wider community. DCA’s Major Partner organisations include:

Our partners

purple circle with the acronym 'iag' in white in the centre
KPMG logo
Logo for Gilbert + Tobin in blue writing

IAG is Australia and New Zealand’s largest general insurance group, serving over 8 million customers through its trusted brands including NRMA Insurance, CGU, WFI, and ROLLiN’. In line with its purpose ‘to make your world a safer place’, IAG is committed to building a diverse, equitable and inclusive organisation, and is proud to be a Family-Friendly and Rainbow-tick accredited workplace.

IAG has recently launched an ambitious 3-year DEI strategy, centred on three key focus areas:  Inclusive Workplace, Inclusive Leadership and Customer and Community Inclusion.  These focus areas will enable us to strengthen our approach to DEI as a transformative business enabler, to create a sustainable culture of inclusion for our people and our customers.

purple circle with the acronym 'iag' in white in the centre

KPMG believes a diverse and inclusive approach translates into benefits for its clients, its business and its people.  It is a continuous change program that is about making sustainable improvements to business performance and culture.

Achieving gender equality requires a shift in deeply ingrained mindsets and beliefs, which is why KPMG is embarking on firm-wide culture change program.

Women have been seeking equality in the business world for well over 20 years. Many things have been tried with limited success. Change needs to happen rapidly.

KPMG’s achievements to date:

  • The firm’s leadership is committed to gender equality and all have diversity goals embedded into their business plans;
  • More than 50% of employees at most levels are women;
  • The firm has a strong talent pool of women – and is working on creating gender equality at the top;
  • It has increased the number of women partners from 8% (2000) to 15.5% (2010);
  • The firm has a consistently high return rate from parental leave and is embracing flexible work arrangements;
  • Diversity and inclusion targets are embedded in firm-wide business plans and scorecard; and
  • The firm is embedding diversity into all that it does and is always focusing on ‘what gets measured gets done’.

As a business operating in markets all around the world, HSBC believes that diversity brings benefits for customers, business and its people.

HSBC believes that different ideas and perspectives help us innovate, manage risk, and grow the business in a sustainable way.

HSBC views being inclusive as an expression of HSBC’s values to be dependable, open and connected.

HSBC’s diversity program aims to create an environment where people are valued, respected and supported to achieve their potential – and are striving to build an environment where people feel they can speak up to help remove barriers to success, and collaborate and put the best ideas into practice.

Gilbert + Tobin is a leading independent Australian corporate law firm, advising clients on their most significant corporate transactions, regulatory matters, and disputes. We provide commercial and innovative legal solutions for ASX 100 leading companies, major infrastructure and services providers as well as government and public authorities across Australia and around the world.

Internationally recognised for our experience in M&A, private equity, capital markets, competition and regulation, as well as technology and digital matters, we handle complex issues that shape and influence the market.

Our firm is also committed to outstanding citizenship. We have a proud pro bono track record, and we champion important causes, such as marriage equality and reconciliation with First Nations Peoples in Australia.

Gilbert + Tobin is recognised as an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality, joining an elite group of employers who are recognised for improving and advancing the conditions and outcomes for women in the workplace. We have one of the highest proportions of women partners among major Australian law firms.

Gilbert + Tobin is Diversity Council Australia’s preferred legal provider.

Logo for Gilbert + Tobin in blue writing

Sponsorships & partnerships with us

Sponsorship or partnership with DCA is a great way for members to publicly demonstrate their organisational commitment to D&I to their employees, stakeholders, customers and clients. We have a range of sponsorships involving research, major events and other activities that can play a strategic part of your broader diversity plan and provide your organisation with significant profile and branding opportunities to position you as an employer of choice.

Why partner with DCA?

Association with an authoritative and influential voice

  • DCA is the leading voice on diversity and inclusion in Australia
  • We have 1,300+ member organisations (some of whom are Australia’s biggest employers) who employ over 2 million Australians or almost 20% of the Australian workforce
  • We receive significant traditional media coverage and have an impressive social media following including:
    • 49,000+ followers on LinkedIn, 8,700+ on X, 4,800+ on Facebook, 2,700+ followers on Instagram
    • An average of around 36,000 users visit DCA’s website per month.  

Exposure to business leaders

  • DCA has strong networks and links with business
  • 36,000+ people subscribe to DCA’s Inclusion Matters eNews
  • Event registrations consistently range between 800 to 1200 per event, and comprise HR directors and managers, diversity practitioners and business leaders from across Australia.

Position yourself as an employer of choice

  • Through significant profile and branding opportunities, you can leverage your diversity and inclusion programs to position your organisation as an employer of choice.

Sponsorship opportunities

The following events and activities are currently sponsored. For more information about sponsoring or partnering with DCA, contact Sue Flockart, Senior Manager Events & Sponsorship on 0414 531 476 or email on

DCA’s Anna McPhee Memorial Oration honours the late Anna McPhee, DCA’s former Chair and lifetime advocate for diversity and equal opportunity.  The Oration is a thought-leading event staged in Melbourne featuring a high profile and skilled public speaker delivering a keynote address on an important D&I topic.

Previous Orators include:

  • Stan Grant (2017 – on First Nations recognition and reconciliation)
  • The Hon Julia Gillard AC (2018 – on mental health and work)
  • The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG (2019 – on a Bill of Rights in Australia)
  • Jess Hill (2022 – on family and domestic violence) 
  • Professor Tom Calma AO, Aboriginal Elder and co-author of the Indigenous Voice Co-design Process Report.

The event will next take place in Melbourne at ZINC at Federation Square, Swanston Street & Flinders Street in 2025 and includes a two-course sit down corporate lunch.

Major Sponsor benefits include:

  • Positioning your organisation as a leader and partner with DCA in championing diversity & inclusion
  • A comprehensive communications strategy in collaboration with DCA, maximising traditional media, social media and stakeholder channels
  • Opportunity to use event as a vehicle to meet your overall D&I objectives, including creating stronger internal engagement
  • A complimentary sponsor table of 10 guests
  • Two complimentary seats on DCA head table
  • Profile and welcome at the event by a senior representative
  • Sponsor representative opportunity to feature  in panel discussion alongside the Orator
  • Significant branding profile at the event
  • Profile in media release and e-communications circulated post-event
  • Additional exposure via the event video featured on DCA website.

For more information about sponsoring or partnering with DCA, contact Sue Flockart, Senior Manager Events & Sponsorship on 0414 531 476 or email on

DCA’s Diversity Debate is one of the hottest tickets in town and will be staged in Sydney on 22 October 2024.

This favourite DCA event boasts an entertaining evening of networking followed by a two-course dinner and debate.  The format is fun, and the debating is fearsome and will canvas all the pros and cons of a topical D&I issue, resulting in a fully considered discussion on the night. No stone is left unturned, and the result is an entertaining and informative look at the topic by an audience who are invested and passionate about D&I in the workplace and the community at large.

Each Debate team is made up of 3 high profile speakers from business, academia, government, media and the arts to name a few. Our master of ceremonies and Debate moderator cross-examines our 6 speakers to unpack the topic, ensuring DCA’s Debate is both hugely entertaining and hard hitting! 

The 2022 Debate was a great success and received rave reviews. See photos, videos & more.

See past speakers from our Debates over the years

The 2024 Major Debate Sponsor is IAG alongside supporting sponsor Suncorp and associate sponsor Telstra and we deeply appreciate their generous support and commitment to diversity and inclusion.

The 2024 DCA Diversity Debate  

  • Date: Tuesday 22 October 2024
  • Time: 6pm to 10pm (AEDT)
  • Where: Jones Bay Wharf Jones Bay Wharf, Level 3, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont NSW
  • Event: Networking, dinner & debate for approx. 400 guests

Sponsor benefits include

  • Three levels of sponsorship are available to Debate sponsors: one Major sponsor package, two support sponsor packages and up to three associate sponsorship opportunities
  • Branding & recognition on Debate communications commensurate with the sponsorship level
  • An extensive communications strategy to maximise attendance and sponsor profile
  • Sponsors positioned as leading the debate on D&I in the business and wider community in Australia
  • A ticketing package commensurate with the sponsorship level.

For more information about sponsoring the Debate, contact Sue Flockart, Senior Manager Events & Sponsorship on 0414 531 476 or email on

What previous sponsors have said about the Debate:

“On behalf of the NAB we would like to thank you for such an incredible night last night for the debate. The quality of the event, the engaging conversations and the passion that was in the room to support a more inclusive society was fabulous. Working with the DCA has been a pleasure and we thank you for allowing us to be involved. All the best – and thank you for such a great event!” (Major Sponsor 2018)

“It certainly was a terrific evening and a very thought provoking topic for debate. I was pretty sure at the get go of which side of the argument I was in favour but with each speaker I vacillated from one side of the argument to the other. Both teams did a superb job and great choice of topic on the part of you and your team. MLC Life Insurance was delighted to have the opportunity to sponsor the event and to partner with the DCA.” Susan Karson, Chief People Officer, MLC Life Insurance (Major Sponsor 2019)

Sponsorship of DCA’s Gender Equality Network offers branding at four quarterly events that take place during a 12-month sponsorship period. The event topics are designed to:

  1. Share knowledge: and hear from member organisations about their strategies, challenges and opportunities on the journey towards gender equality in the workplace
  2. Engage with regulators: connect with regulators such as WGEA and ASX on the latest on gender reporting and resources
  3. Understand leading practice: and gain access to leading thinkers and practitioners in business and academia.

The current sponsor of the Gender Equality Network is KPMG Australia.

Gender Equality Network Sponsor benefits include:

  • Positioning as DCA’s partner on the Gender Equality Network
  • Opportunity to use the sponsorship to generate significant internal and external profile
  • Full recognition at four events over the 12-month sponsorship period ranging from hybrid and online events
  • Sponsor welcome and profile opportunity available at the start of each event
  • Guest speaking opportunities for sponsors as a guest panellist or business case study
  • Branding featured on event collateral related to events including:
    • Event Alert e-invitations distributed to DCA’s 36,000+ database of subscribers
    • DCA event registration pages
    • Verbal sponsor recognition during each event
    • Recognition via social media posts leading up to the event
    • Sponsor branding featured throughout on-demand event recording’s available on DCA’s website. 

For more information about sponsoring or partnering with DCA, contact Sue Flockart, Senior Manager Events & Sponsorship on 0414 531 476 or email on

DCA’s First Nations Insights Program focuses on building workplaces that make the most of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander talent and features three events annually. 

Exclusively for DCA members, the First Nations Insights Program is designed to:

  • Profile leading practice in attraction, retention and promotion of First Nations talent
  • Improve understanding of First Nations cultures and issues
  • Build organisational capability in this area
  • Involve both First Nations and non-First Nations people to share information and build relationships.

Sponsor benefits

  • Positioning as a major partner of DCA’s First Nations Insights Program
  • Opportunity to use the sponsorship to generate significant internal and external profile
  • Full recognition and branding at three events over a 12-month period
  • Sponsor welcome and profile opportunity available at the start of each event
  • Guest speaking opportunities for sponsors as a guest panellist or business case study
  • Branding featured on event collateral related to events including:
    • Event Alert e-invitations distributed to DCA’s 36,000+ database of subscribers
    • DCA event registration pages
    • Verbal sponsor recognition during each event
    • Recognition via social media posts leading up to the event
    • Sponsor branding featured throughout on-demand event recording’s available on DCA’s website.

At the end of the sponsor period a sponsor report will be provided detailing the outcome of sponsorship featuring event analytics including registration reach, on-demand views, and event feedback.

For more information about sponsoring or partnering with DCA, contact Sue Flockart, Senior Manager Events & Sponsorship on 0414 531 476 or email on

DCA offers Major Partner status to a select group of DCA members who are Australia’s business diversity leaders.

Major Partner status is reserved for DCA members who have shown a high degree of commitment to D&I, both inside and outside their organisation, and wish to showcase their commitment and/or achievements.

Major partners receive premium branding and profile on all DCA activities and have the option of hosting D&I Insights Program events and/or contributing to our publications.

DCA’s Major Partners currently include IAG, Gilbert + Tobin, KPMG and HSBC.

Partner benefits will be tailored to your needs and can include:

  • Premium profile and positioning in all DCA activities including:
    • DCA’s website (homepage)
    • DCA’s special Partner’s profile
    • DCA’s eNews, website and e-publications 
  • Profile on social media posts and DCA’s Annual Report
  • Opportunity to host 2 events in 12 months or 4 events in 24 months as part of DCA’s D&I Insights Program 
  • A mix of hybrid and online event offerings (depending on webcast requirements)
  • Sponsor welcome and profile opportunity available at the start of each partnered event
  • Priority attendance at partnered event/s
  • Guest speaker opportunity for sponsor as a guest panellist or business case study
  • Opportunity for case study on website or in DCA e-publications
  • Opportunity for your organisation to use the partnership to generate profile
  • Sponsor branding featured on event collateral including:
    • Event Alert e-invitations distributed to DCA’s 36,000+ database of subscribers
    • DCA event registration pages
    • Verbal sponsor recognition during each event
    • Recognition via social media posts leading up to the event
    • Sponsor branding featured throughout on-demand event recording’s available on DCA’s website.

At the end of the sponsor period a sponsor report will be provided detailing the outcome of sponsorship featuring event analytics including registration reach, on-demand views, and event feedback.

For more information about sponsoring or partnering with DCA, contact Sue Flockart, Senior Manager Events & Sponsorship on 0414 531 476 or email on

DCA works in partnership with members to generate ground-breaking D&I research each year. By sponsoring our cutting-edge research projects, DCA member organisations have the opportunity to participate in the following (depending on the level of their sponsorship investment):

  • Have a key role in the development of all aspects of the project
  • Be profiled as a leading practice case study in the research report, where available
  • Be named and promoted as Research Partner with name and brand visibility on all project activities, including promotion to the media, in DCA’s e-publications and on social media
  • Host the national research launch event with profile all event collateral and at the event
  • Be a speaker or perform sponsor welcome at the launch event
  • Feature on DCA’s website and in e-publications with additional profile on social media.

For more information on Research sponsorship, contact: