Parental Leave

Australia’s parental leave system is a mix of statutory entitlements, government-funded parental leave, and employer-funded parental leave.

Employers are increasingly recognising the benefits of paid parental leave for business, employees, families and the wider community. Many DCA member organisations are leading the way when it comes to parental leave.

In this section, members can learn more about parental leave entitlements, the case for action for employer-funded paid leave, leading-practice principles and case studies/examples.


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The Case for Action

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Leading Practice

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Latest Articles - Parental Leave


Release of National Carer Strategy

DCA welcomes the government’s renewed commitment to Australia’s three million unpaid carers in its new ten-year National Carer Strategy.


Paid Parental Leave Amendment Bill 2023

This is DCA’s second submission supporting amendments to paid parental leave to ensure that Australia can offer government funded parental leave that is flexible, gender-neutral and promotes shared-care arrangements between parents.