Inclusive Employer Index

Is your organisation seeking D&I metrics, benchmarking, and branding?

Are you wanting to measure D&I in your organisation, but not sure where or how to start? The Inclusive Employer Index, offered by Diversity Council Australia in collaboration with our Index partner, Diversity Atlas, enables organisations to comprehensively assess and monitor the state of diversity and inclusion in their workforce.

Expressions of interest are now open for the 2025-2026 Inclusive Employer Index

What is the Inclusive Employer Index?

The Inclusive Employer Index is an insightful survey developed by DCA that measures employee diversity and inclusion experiences in the workplace. This invaluable tool assists you to understand:


Inclusion and Exclusion: explore employee experience with inclusion in your teams, with managers, and within your organisational climate. Gauge how common inclusive and exclusionary behaviours are, as well as employee awareness and support of your D&I activity.


Diversity Demographics: understand the breadth and depth of diversity of your workforce in terms of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background, age, caring responsibilities, country of birth, cultural background, disability status, gender identity, multilingual ability, religious affiliation, and sexual orientation.


Inclusion and Exclusion by Demographic: explore whether your employee experiences of inclusion and exclusion differ based on their demographics (e.g. compare employees with disability experience to workers without disability).


Impact of Inclusion: understand the influence of inclusion on team effectiveness, innovation, customer service, effort, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions. The insights garnered the survey form a compelling case for prioritising D&I at your organisation.

How does the Inclusive Employer Index work?

Participating in the Inclusive Employer Index simply involves administering the survey and exploring your results on an interactive dashboard. The dashboard was developed for the Index by Cultural Infusion and is standardised, taking the work out of survey creation, data cleaning, and data presentation. The dashboard also enables you to compare many of your organisation’s results with an Australian Workforce benchmark and a DCA Member benchmark. Please note, participating in the Inclusive Employer Index incurs a nominal fee separate to DCA membership.

Inclusive Employer Index Dashboard
Inclusive Employer Index Dashboard

Why should my organisation participate?

By taking part in the Index, you will have the opportunity to measure diversity and inclusion in your workforce, understand the impact of inclusion on your employees and business, and compare your findings against benchmarks.

Data Driven Decisions

Access real-time data on an interactive dashboard to map the state of diversity and inclusion in your organisation to inform your D&I decisions.

Benchmark Your Success

Compare your results with the Australian workforce and leading D&I organisations. Utilise benchmarking data to measure your progress. 

Build Internal Engagement

Foster both employee and leader engagement with D&I through an individualised case for inclusion in your organisation.

Enhance Your Employer Brand

Organisations deemed to be Inclusive Employers are publicly promoted by DCA on its website and able to use associated communications.

DCA's List of Inclusive Employers

Each year, DCA publishes a list of Inclusive Employers to celebrate organisations leading the way in D&I in Australia. These organisations have been assessed using Inclusive Employer Index data, demonstrating a higher level of inclusivity and dedication to D&I compared to the average Australian workforce. Organisations that participated in the Inclusive Employer Index in 2023 were eligible to be assessed as Inclusive Employers 2023–2024, participants in 2024 will be eligible for assessment as Inclusive Employers 2024-2025 and so on. See who made the cut in the previous Inclusive Employer Indices below.

2025 Participation Update

Expressions of Interest are now open for the 2025-2026 Inclusive Employer Index. Please register your interest using the form below

If you have any questions please contact

Want to find out more?

Read our Inclusive Employer Index 2025-2026 FAQ for more comprehensive information on participating, or watch this demo video from 2024-2025 (download transcript – 23KB) to learn more about what you’ll get.

Expressions of Interest for DCA's Inclusive Employer Index

Register your interest now and we’ll get back to you with more information on what’s involved, how to participate, and the range of benefits this can offer your organsiation. Please note, the Inclusive Employer Index is open to all organisations. DCA membership is not a requirement.

INCLUSIVE EMPLOYER INDEX logo and PROUD TO BE AN INCLUSIVE EMPLOYER logo are Registered Trade Marks of Diversity Council Australia Limited.