DCA works in partnership with members to generate ground breaking diversity research that enables Australian organisations to fully leverage the benefits of a diverse talent pool.
Only DCA members can access the research reports in full. Summary information is available to the general public.
- DCA research is grounded in the contributions of people with lived experience. DCA projects use expert panels, focus groups, think tanks and surveys to make people with lived experience central to the project findings.
- DCA research is ahead of the curve. It establishes leading diversity thinking and practice, enabling Australian organisations to re-imagine and reconfigure the way they manage talent in today’s dynamic operating environments.
- DCA research drives business improvement. It is high impact, driving business improvement through providing evidence-based guidance on how to fully leverage the benefits of a diverse talent pool.
- DCA research is practice focused. It responds to the information needs of industry leaders and the people they employ.
- DCA research speaks to the Australian context. DCA projects generate leading diversity thinking and practice that speaks to Australia’s unique and distinctive institutional, cultural and legal frameworks.
- DCA research considers a spectrum of diversity dimensions. A spectrum of diversity dimensions are investigated including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background, age, caring responsibilities, class, culture, disability status, gender identity, race, religion, and sexual orientation.