2018 The Anna McPhee Memorial Oration on mental health in Australia

DCAs Anna McPhee Memorial Oration on Diversity and Inclusion in 2018 was delivered by The Hon Julia Gillard AC, sharing her vision for mental health in Australia.

2018 oration header image

Renamed in memory of the late Anna McPhee, DCAs former Chair and lifetime advocate for diversity and equal opportunity, this years Oration was delivered by the Hon. Julia Gillard AC and shared her vision for mental health to inspire Australians to foster more inclusive workplaces and communities.

Former Prime Minister the Hon Julia Gillard AC is Chair of beyondblue, having been a board member since December 2014. She also serves as Chair of the Global Partnership for Education, a leading organization dedicated to expanding access to quality education worldwide. Ms Gillard is a non-resident Distinguished Senior Fellow with the Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution in Washington and an Honorary Professor at the University of Adelaide. Ms Gillard serves as Patron of CAMFED, the John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library and the Aim for the Stars Foundation, and is also on the Board of Governors of the Committee for the Economic Development of Australia.

2018 oration panel headshots

Event emcee Sam Mostyn moderated a conversation with an esteemed guest panel including:

  • Professor Ian Hickie AM, Co-Director, Health and Policy, Brain and Mind Centre, The University of Sydney
  • Georgie Harman, CEO, beyondblue
  • Chris Lamb, Group Head of Talent & Organisational Development, Lendlease
  • Sonia Gangi, Registered Nurse working for the Victorian public health sector

DCA sincerely thanks Lendlease for its support in making this event possible.