Emerging considerations in flexibility

This section introduces emerging types, structures and frameworks of flexibility adapted by various organisations and businesses. These trends are suitable for some workplace contexts, but not all. Take into account what is realistic and possible for your team and organisation and whether they apply for your business needs.

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  1. Compressed working week or compressed hours. An employee may be offered the option for employees to condense their full-time hours into a 4- day rather than 5-day working period. For example, employees have the option of working 10 hours days for 4-days to make it to full time equivalent hours. See NSW Government Public Service Commission for a description on this type of flexible working here: Types of flexible working
  2. See 4-day week global 
  3. Swinburne University of Technology (2023) “Emerging Four Day work Week Trends in Australia: Insights based on interviews with Australian firms who have already adopted 4DWW arrangements” in Preview Report June 2023, p. 8
  4. Ibid, p. 14
  5. A. Whillans and C. Lockhart (2021), “A guide to implementing the 4-Day Workweek” in Harvard Business Review, 28 September 2021
  6. The Senate (2023), “Select Committee on Work and Care: Final Report,” Parliament of Australia March 2023, p. 133
  7. M. Marozzi (2023) “Australian companies that trialled four-day work week haven’t looked back, report finds,” in ABC News, 16 June 2023
  8. The Senate (2023), “Select Committee on Work and Care: Final Report,” Parliament of Australia March 2023, p. 133 - 137
  9. M. Marozzi (2023) “Australian companies that trialled four-day work week haven’t looked back, report finds,” in ABC News, 16 June 2023
  10. The Senate (2023), “Select Committee on Work and Care: Final Report,” Parliament of Australia March 2023, p. 129-130