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UN Global Compact 2022

DCA reaffirms its support to the United Nations Global Compact and its Ten Principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.


Diversity and Inclusion in 2023

Key issues in the Diversity and Inclusion space during 2023 and important research that DCA will bring on workplace issues.

Media releases

Respect At Work Bill

DCA welcomes the Respect at Work Bill and its reforms passed by the Federal Parliament which will address sexual harassment at work.


Employment White Paper Response

DCA has made a submission to the Employment White Paper with key recommendations for inclusion in the paper.

Media releases

CEO appointed to Respect@Work Council

DCA’s CEO, Lisa Annese, has been appointed to the Respect@Work Council to help deliver safer, fairer and more inclusive workplaces.

Media releases

10th Annual Debate – Gender Equality

10th annual Diversity Council Australia Debate saw two teams discuss the topic ‘Is it time to move on from gender equality?’