Diversity Council Australia (DCA) has officially announced its support of the Uluru Statement from the Heart campaign to secure constitutional recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.
The move marks a cultural tipping point – also seen during the marriage equality campaign – where businesses go public with their intent to support widely-debated social causes.
DCA CEO Lisa Annese on the Statement
CEO Lisa Annese said, “DCA supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart and this position has been endorsed by a majority of our membership in a recent survey.
“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have lived in Australia for over 60,000 years.
“But we must also acknowledge the historical truth that colonisation has led to the ongoing exclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from modern Australia.
“Genuine inclusion must begin with reconciliation. There can be no genuine workplace inclusion while our First Nations Peoples are excluded from opportunities, and we as a nation do not address race relations, equality and equity, unity, institutional integrity, and historical acceptance by including First Nations People in the Constitution.
“We urge the nation and the Parliament to accept the invitation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and to walk with First Nations people in a movement of the Australian people for a better future. Doing so would make Australia a more inclusive place for everyone.”
Listen to Podcast on the Uluru Statement from the Heart
DCA’s support comes as we release a podcast episode urging other organisations to become allies in the march towards constitutional recognition.
The podcast features leading executive and fellow Uluru supporter Ann Sherry, Chairman of Carnival, and Thomas Mayor – a leading voice for recognition and a signatory to the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
Reflecting on DCA and wider business support Thomas said, “Allies have such a big role to play. And they shouldn’t ever feel like something is too small. It could be as simple as being vocal about supporting a referendum for a First Nations voice.
“These are simple steps to support the simple ask behind recognition: just give us a voice to be able to affect the decisions that are made about us as First Nations people. It will save money, it will save lives. And for wider Australia, there is everything to gain by achieving an unbroken culture – one of the oldest cultures in the world.
“That is something to embrace and accept and include in the ruling document of this country – the Constitution.”