On Wednesday 30 August, shortly after the Prime Minister announced the date for the referendum on the Voice to Parliament, DCA members came together for a very moving fifth Anna McPhee Memorial D&I Oration in Melbourne.
A full house listened to an address on the upcoming referendum given by Prof Tom Calma AO, Aboriginal Elder, co-author of the Indigenous Voice Co-design Process Report and 2023 Senior Australian of the Year.
Prof Tom Calma AO gave an inspiring Oration that encompassed the importance of the referendum for reconciliation in Australia, the journey to this moment in history, guiding principles behind the proposed change to the constitution and the many reasons for voting Yes.
“This is not about race politics or dividing Australia. It is about uniting Australia and making our nation stronger,” Professor Calma said.
Prof Tom Calma AO gave an inspiring Oration that encompassed the importance of the referendum for reconciliation in Australia, the journey to this moment in history, guiding principles behind the proposed change to the constitution and the many reasons for voting Yes.
“This is not about race politics or dividing Australia. It is about uniting Australia and making our nation stronger,” Professor Calma said.
Professor Tom Calma AO Oration Highlights
View Ming Long AM's Oration opening highlights
Receiving a standing ovation, Prof Calma’s Oration was followed by a lively panel discussion led by Prof Nareen Young, Associate Dean UTS Business School and Professor for Indigenous Policy at the UTS Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research and featuring:
Ian Hamm, Chairperson of First Nations Foundation,
Antoinette Braybrook AM, CEO, Djirra,
Julie Canepa, Director Digital Transformation Asia Pacific, Cisco (who sponsored the event)
Reflecting on points made by Ming Long, Ian Hamm appealed to business to play an active part on the referendum debate when he said “This country expects its corporations to play a positive role in its social construct, in its cultural identity, in who we are as a people.”
“Corporations have to do more than just make a buck. The question corporations are being asked repeatedly every day is: what are you doing to contribute to the society in which you live?” he continued.
This was further echoed by Julie Canepa, who drew on the experience at Cisco when she said: “We think that we should be transparent with our employees in our position. We owe them that … it is a deep and meaningful to many of our employees and (that) they have a safe place to talk about this.”
Antoinette Braybrook picked up Prof Calma’s theme of support from the community and having conversations, when she said:
“… carry some of this load. Take it on. Talk to your family and friends. Educate yourself. We’re here to talk to you. We give you so much of our life. This is our life. Carry some of the load.”
DCA has a Resource Hub with ways in which individuals and organisations can support the Yes! Campaign.