Immediate actions for supporting inclusion in difficult times

DCA members can log in to explore the immediate actions for supporting inclusion during difficult times. 

The rest of this content is restricted to DCA members.

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Support services

This webpage discusses events and systemic discrimination which have harmed or continue to harm communities.

If you or someone close to you is in distress or immediate danger, call 000 as soon as possible.

Should you need support, please contact mental health support agencies, such as:  

  1. Prengler, M. et al, "How to be an ally to colleagues after violence against their communities," Harvard Business Review, 10 February 2023
  2. Ibid.
  3. R. Gitlin, "(Dis)connected allyshipin the wake of tragedy: Bridging individual and collective pain," Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 2018
  4. J.G. Asare, “3 ways to support employees during tragedy, ” Forbes, 15 May 2022
  5. NSW Government, Employee Assistance Programs – Policy Directive, 2022
  6. Diversity Council Australia (V. Mapedzahama, F. Laffernis, A. Barhoum, and J. O’Leary). Culturally and Racially Marginalised Women in Leadership: A framework for (intersectional) organisational action, Diversity Council Australia, 2023, p. 60
  7. CIPD, Supporting your workforce during the conflict in Israel and Gaza, 20 October 2023
  8. Ibid.