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NAIDOC 2021: On ancient cultures, and modern workplaces
Professor Deen Sanders OAM, a Worimi Man and Lead Partner at Deloitte, who shares his thoughts on ancient cultures and modern workplaces.

NAIDOC 2021: From standing alone to standing together
John Paul Janke speaks about what NAIDOC week has meant to him throughout his life, and why it is so important.

NAIDOC 2021: Heal Country, Heal Nation – by Rebecca Hyland
Rebecca Hyland, Proud Indigenous Advocate, Kamilaroi Woman, shares how her organisation honours it through their RAP.

On being a family friendly workplace …
Being a family friendly workplace is fundamentally more than offering simple flexibility around family commitments.

AdvantAge program – Commonwealth Bank
Case Study on CommBank’s AdvantAge program that focuses on generational diversity as well as life stage and life events diversity.

DCA Submission in response to the Indigenous Voice Co-design Process
Diversity Council Australia makes a submission in response to the Indigenous Voice Co-design Process Interim Report to the Australian Government.

UN Global Compact 2020
DCA reaffirms its support to the United Nations Global Compact and its Ten Principles.

Mental health first aid | Featuring Joel Clapham
Conversation with Joel Clapham from Hearten Up on mental health first aid and how organisations can assist their employees.

African Australian Employment Program – National Australia Bank
Case Study on NAB’s African Australian Inclusion Program which aims to help people find meaningful employment.