Search Past Events

Rising backlash and resistance to gender equality
At our final event of the year, DCA explores efforts to promote gender equality in the workplace and beyond, and what is required for more targeted and effective actions.

Breaking Dad: accelerating the take up of men sharing parental leave
This event explores the research conducted by The 100% Project on looking at the role of psychological safetey in the context of men taking parental leave.

In Conversation with Sex Discrimination Commissioner Dr Anna Cody
Our Gender Equality Network event explores the goals, priorities, and intersectional approach of Sex Discrimination Commissioner Dr Anna Cody.

Plan to Drive Women’s Economic Equality
Join our discussion on the 10-year plan to unleash the full capacity and contribution of women to the Australian economy.

RISE Project update: Building pathways to leadership for CARM women
Following the launch of the RISE project, this event speaks to the updates on the Project’s progress and provides insights into the Phase 2 intake.

RISE Project Information Session
CARM women face structural barriers when it comes to career advancement, so DCA has a new project known as RISE – Realise. Inspire. Support. And Energise.

Beyond Binary for gender inclusive workplaces
This event examined how workplaces can be more gender inclusive workplaces for non-binary people.

Case Study Conversation: Gender and Sexual Diversity at SSI
This Case Study Conversation, shared how Settlement Services International (SSI) established a new approach to Gender and Sexual Diversity (GSD) inclusion.

National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality
At this event, Senator The Hon Katy Gallagher, Minister for Women, shared the Government’s vision for the National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality.