2023 World Pride


2023 World Pride is in Sydney. We asked LGBTIQ+ people and allies here in the DCA team what World Pride means to them. Here’s a snapshot of the diverse experiences and thoughts about World Pride and Mardi Gras from some members of the DCA team. 

To me, Pride is a celebration of self-affirmation, dignity, and equal rights for all. Everyone should be able to feel like they can be proud of who they are. Pride is about being able to live and love without worrying about what others will think of how you live and love. It’s about freedom from judgment or discrimination based on your race, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.

I think we all deserve to enjoy the feelings of personal worth and self-respect and to celebrate that and to proudly thrive!

Sue Flockart (she/her) – Senior Events & Sponsorship Manager

Whether it’s World Pride, the Lesbian & Gay Mardi Gras, or Pride Month, these community events all represent courage, beauty, strength, resilience and defiance; the opportunity to celebrate queer culture and freedom of expression for those of us who have had to fight to be who we are and love who we love.

It means honouring our queer ancestors whose shoulders we stand on and reflecting on the continued struggle for safety and inclusion for all of us, especially members of our community who are most at risk.

We dance today because the fight continues tomorrow.

Kath Sciacca (they/them) – Member Relations Advisor

For me, as an individual from the LGBTQIA+ community, World Pride is a time where I can stand a little taller, speak a little louder and breathe a little easier. It is the time where I can feel safer to express my queerness and shine a light on why representation matters.

World Pride, to me, signifies a time that brings hope for a brighter future full of acceptance, belonging and equality. World Pride is in fact about showing the World what Pride looks like and how no matter who you are or the community you are a part of, together we can create a safer, fairer, and happier place for all.

I am looking forward to proudly walking in the World Pride March, side by side with my wife and my teenage niece and nephew. Together walking with gratitude along the iconic Harbour Bridge in honour of the icons that stepped up and fought for our freedom and right to be present!

Veronica Eulate (she/they) – Social Media Content Strategist

I feel and still think that the LGBTQI+ rights movement has been the biggest human rights movement of my generation.

Pride is a way for the community to develop a deeper sense of community. World Pride is a great way for people to mingle and expose themselves to different places that host the event. It is a chance for new members of the community to travel and get to understand differences and cultures.

Plus, it is a great reason to go travelling around the world to meet new people.

Phillip Teale (he/him) – Research Officer

Somehow, the kick-off of World Pride managed to completely sneak up on me. It wasn’t until I was heading through the city on my way into the DCA office last week that I suddenly noticed that the CBD was awash in Pride flags.

I understand not everyone is into symbolism. But for me, the fact that Sydney is covered in rainbows makes me proud to live in a city and a community that has gone from persecuting to celebrating LGBTIQ+ people in a relatively short time.

Homosexuality wasn’t decriminalised in NSW until 4 years after I was born. (I was in high school when Tasmania finally changed their laws.)

When I started my first job, I couldn’t even imagine a time where I could be out at work. Let alone a time where supermarkets would have delivery trucks decked out in rainbows (or be selling rainbow cakes and donating the profits to LGBTIQ+ community groups).

I know there is much more work to do – in Australia and around the world – to create LGBTIQ+ inclusive societies and workplaces. It is still illegal to be gay in 67 countries and at least 9 countries have laws that criminalise trans and gender non-conforming people.

But the fact that Sydney is so loudly and proudly celebrating World Pride is an extremely powerful symbol for kids (and adults) who are figuring out who they are.

Our research shows that hiding who you are comes at a cost. And that makes me think about other 15-year-olds starting work today, and what it would have meant if I had seen my workplace as a place where I could be who I was.

Now that I am aware World Pride is happening over the next couple of weeks, I plan on celebrating with my family and friends – celebrating the LGBTIQ+ community, and celebrating how far we have come!

Cathy Brown (she/her) – Communications & Advocacy Director

To be able to be seen as who I am, anywhere, anytime with anyone proudly and loudly!

Sydney World Pride

LGBTIQ world pride flag