Managing complex mental ill-health conditions in the workplace

Complex or severe mental ill-health can include conditions such as schizophrenia spectrum disorders, bipolar and related disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, personality disorders, trauma-related disorders, eating disorders, severe depression and anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder or a combination of these at the same time.

People with complex mental illness health issues are employed throughout workplaces and many more are looking for work. Providing managers and employees with information and skills to respond to these mental health challenges will create working environments that are more inclusive, healthier and better for all.

 DCA CEO Lisa Annese and SANE Australia CEO Rachel Green discussed how organisations can support the wellbeing and recovery of employees living with complex mental ill-health issues.

Rachel spoke to how our workplaces can help break down stigma and discrimination and our guest panel shared their experiences of living with complex mental ill-health issues, shedding light on how misunderstanding and stigma can affect many areas of life, leading to disruption in education and employment, relationship breakdown and loss of life satisfaction and opportunities.


  • Rachel Green, CEO of SANE Australia,
  • Tim Hillier, SANE Peer Ambassador,
  • Grant Thomson, Mental Health Coordinator for EPIC Assist and
  • Rachel Jones, Marketing & Communications Officer for EPIC Assist. 

More information about complex mental health issues can be found at

Event Reviews

I just wanted to thank the DCA for hosting the event. In my direct team we have recently had a colleague return to work after taking a year off to deal with a complex mental health condition (this team member actually encouraged us to attend the presentation) and I found the event extremely insightful and useful. It’s in important topic that is not spoken about enough and I will be applying my learnings from the event to my professional and personal life in future.‘ – Anon, event participant

‘Thought it was outstanding – wasn’t sure if I should attend or not and so glad I did, I want to incorporate some of the learnings into volunteer recruitment and ongoing support.’ Christine, event participant

Each presenter was great and it was particularly lovely to hear from Tim and Rachel and hear their stories.’ – Anon, event participant

The session was very informative and thought-provoking – helped me to assess and reflect on our workplace practices.’ – Rachel, event participant

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